Thanks, Jonhson, actually the requirements are set in the same way,
I've no idea about the problem, what else can be wrong?
2009/8/6 Johnson koil Raj <johnson.raj@xxxxxxxxx
Just compare the Requirements you are setting for the job both
through SOAP and command line. If it miss something add.
倪翔 wrote:
> Dear all, I use SOAP api to submit job to condor pool and query its
> status to determine whether the job has been completed. I have
to wait
> for nearly* 7 minutes* until the job transfer its status from
> RUNNING. However, If I submit the job using command line, it will be
> completed in a few seconds. Does anyone meet this problem before or
> know how to solve the problem? Did I need to add something
special in
> the config file?
> --
> Xiang Ni
> Sino-German Joint Software Institute
> Computer Science&Engineer Deparment of Beihang University
> 100191
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Xiang Ni
Sino-German Joint Software Institute
Computer Science&Engineer Deparment of Beihang University