I’m VERY new to Condor and having a problem that I’m
assuming it’s a glaringly obvious mistake to those of you more
experienced than I. Forgive the length, I’m having a hard time describing
my problems. As simply as I can: I need to run a program, s2elec with 35 different
combinations of inputs. These inputs are all changed by modifying a config file,
s2elec.cfg. So I wrote a shell script to set all the values as I want: Shell.sh #!/bin/sh ./chstring s2elec_xxxxx.cfg s2elec_xxxx.cfg xxsavexx
$Argv[1] ./chstring s2elec_xxxx.cfg s2elec_xxx.cfg xxrunxx $Argv[2] ./chstring s2elec_xxx.cfg s2elec_xx.cfg xxelxx $Argv[3] ./chstring s2elec_xx.cfg s2elec_x.cfg xxazxx $Argv[4] ./chstring s2elec_x.cfg s2elec.cfg xxcutxx $Argv[5] ./s2elec I started with a file s2elec_xxxxx.cfg and replaced one of
my placeholders at a time with the arguments I give. Now, this worked fine when I had $Argv[] replaced with the
actual values, however, when I run it now, all I get in place of the values is
[1];[2]; … ;[5] in the cfg file. It also doesn’t run s2elec as the last line should. The jdl has evolved into: universe = vanilla executable = /raid1/Corsika/s2elec/Shell.sh Initialdir = /raid1/Corsika/s2elec should_transfer_files = NO Output = /raid1/Corsika/s2elec.stdout Error = /raid1/Corsika/s2elec.stderr Log = /raid1/Corsika/s2elec.condor Arguments = raid1/Corsika/s2elec/outfile_cut.5 231 71.9
228.5 .5 Queue Any input is appreciated. Thank you Branden Sievers High Energy Physics Dept. Student Assistant |