I need to Know how many Schedd and Submitter are in the pool and I
required their corresponding IPs and Ports.
while Querying Condor_Collector through web service For the Particular
constraint is not giving any Output.In Collector Log It is saying 0
response to the Query.
CondorCollectorPortType port;
port.queryAnyAds("MyType == \"Submitter\"")
port.queryAnyAds("MyType == \"Negotiator\"")
port.queryAnyAds("TargetType == \"Job\"");
port.queryScheddAds("MyType == \"Scheduler\"")
but the following query code is Working fine it is correctly fetching
data from Collector (boolean related values working fine with collector)
port.queryScheddAds("HasSOAPInterface == TRUE")
port.queryAnyAds("Start == TRUE");
I have verified with command line.
CondorScheddPortType schedd;
schedd.getJobAds(null,"MyType == \"Job\"")
this query code is working fine and I am able to get all the outputs
Why the collector is not giving any data for that constraints.Please
help me out in this
thanks by