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[Condor-users] Virtual Machines is not starting up.....
- Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2008 18:19:44 +0530
- From: Johnson koil Raj <johnson.raj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [Condor-users] Virtual Machines is not starting up.....
I am Starting a VM in Host. The VM started and running successfully
and after sometimes the VMGAHPLog file show the following result and not
starting the VM.
11/24 14:41:16 VMGAHP[18384]: Worker[18385]: Command: CONDOR_VM_STATUS
11/24 14:41:16 VMGAHP[18384]: Worker[18385]: Inside VMwareType::Status
11/24 14:41:16 VMGAHP[18384]: Worker[18385]: /usr/bin/vmware-cmd: Could
not connect to VM /vm/local.grid7/execute/dir_18382/vmLhSzcl_condor.vmx
:16 VMGAHP[18384]: Worker[18385]: (VMControl error -15: Protocol
error: Malformed response from server)
11/24 14:41:16 VMGAHP[18384]: Worker[18385]: (ERROR) Can't execute
getstate of a vm(/vm/local.grid7/execute/dir_18382/vmLhSzcl_condor.vmx)
11/24 14:41:16 VMGAHP[18384]: Worker[18385]: Result "152 1
11/24 14:41:16 VMGAHP[18384]: Worker[18385]: Failed to execute
my_system: perl /opt/condor-7.0.3/sbin/ getvminfo
11/24 14:41:18 VMGAHP[18384]: Command: RESULTS
11/24 14:41:20 VMGAHP[18384]: Command: CONDOR_VM_STOP
11/24 14:41:20 VMGAHP[18384]: Worker[18385]: Command: CONDOR_VM_STOP
11/24 14:41:20 VMGAHP[18384]: Worker[18385]: Inside VMwareType::Shutdown
11/24 14:41:20 VMGAHP[18384]: Worker[18385]: Inside
11/24 14:41:20 VMGAHP[18384]: Worker[18385]: Inside
11/24 14:41:48 VMGAHP[18384]: Worker[18385]:
11/24 14:41:48 VMGAHP[18384]: Worker[18385]: /usr/bin/vmware-cmd: Could
not connect to VM /vm/local.grid7/execute/dir_18382/vmLhSzcl_condor.vmx
8 VMGAHP[18384]: Worker[18385]: (VMControl error -15: Protocol error:
Malformed response from server)
11/24 14:41:48 VMGAHP[18384]: Worker[18385]: (ERROR) Can't execute
getstate of a vm(/vm/local.grid7/execute/dir_18382/vmLhSzcl_condor.vmx)
11/24 14:41:48 VMGAHP[18384]: Worker[18385]: Failed to execute
my_system: perl /opt/condor-7.0.3/sbin/ stop
11/24 14:41:48 VMGAHP[18384]: Worker[18385]: ShutdownGraceful failed ..
11/24 14:41:48 VMGAHP[18384]: Worker[18385]: Inside VMwareType::killVM
11/24 14:41:48 VMGAHP[18384]: Worker[18385]: Inside
11/24 14:41:48 VMGAHP[18384]: Worker[18385]: Inside VMwareType::killVMFast
11/24 14:41:48 VMGAHP[18384]: Worker[18385]: /usr/bin/vmware-cmd: Could
not connect to vmware-authd
8 VMGAHP[18384]: Worker[18385]: (VMControl error -15: Protocol error:
Malformed response from server)
11/24 14:41:49 VMGAHP[18384]: Worker[18385]: Result "153 0 NULL"
11/24 14:41:49 VMGAHP[18384]: Worker[18385]: Inside VMwareType::Shutdown
And I once again submitted a VM job to that machine the job force to
hold state . The VMGAHPLog file shows these details
11/24 17:38:30 VMGAHP[2449]: Worker[2450]: Inside VMwareType::Start
11/24 17:38:30 VMGAHP[2449]: Worker[2450]: Inside VMwareType::Snapshot
11/24 17:38:30 VMGAHP[2449]: Command: RESULTS
VMGAHP[2449]: Worker[2450]:
register(/vm/local.grid3/execute/dir_2447/vmHFwy8E_condor.vmx) = 1
VMGAHP[2449]: Worker[2450]: Error: Command failed: *A file was not found*
VMGAHP[2449]: Worker[2450]: (ERROR) Can't create snapshot for
VMGAHP[2449]: Worker[2450]: Failed to execute my_system: perl
opt/condor-7.0.3/sbin/ snapshot
11/24 17:38:32 VMGAHP[2449]: Worker[2450]: Inside VMwareType::Unregister
1) why creation of Snapshot fails. which file it is not found.
I try to some more time and I checked what are file got transfered to
execute directory.
the VMX files are transfered to the /vm/local.grid3/execute/dir_xxx/
directory and then they are get deleted.
idealgrid idealgrid 3514 Nov 24 17:50
-rw------- 1 root root 0 Nov 24 17:53
-rwxrwx--- 1 idealgrid idealgrid 656 Nov 24 17:53 vmESrUqe_condor.vmx
2) Is the permission of the files is creating the problem.
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