I just have condor installed on Windows Server 2003 environment (Pool -W2K3 Ent, Computing node - W2K3 Std, Submitting node - XP.) Trying to test the installation is not compleing to the end. The job did get to computing-node since it is listed on the queue and the condor_status did show a vm being claimed for a while. Monitoring the computing node also indicated a process being started briefly on the task manager, however I did not get the outcome report and the job just stays in the queue. Here is what is written in the log:
3/11 21:21:26 ******************************************************
3/11 21:21:26 ** condor_starter (CONDOR_STARTER) STARTING UP
3/11 21:21:26 ** C:\condor\bin\condor_starter.exe
3/11 21:21:26 ** $CondorVersion: 7.0.1 Feb 27 2008 BuildID: 76180 $
3/11 21:21:26 ** $CondorPlatform: INTEL-WINNT50 $
3/11 21:21:26 ** PID = 3580
3/11 21:21:26 ** Log last touched 3/11 21:20:57
3/11 21:21:26 ******************************************************
3/11 21:21:26 Using config source: C:\condor\condor_config
3/11 21:21:26 Using local config sources:
3/11 21:21:26 C:\condor/condor_config.local
3/11 21:21:26 DaemonCore: Command Socket at <>
3/11 21:21:26 Setting resource limits not implemented!
3/11 21:21:26 Communicating with shadow <>
3/11 21:21:26 Submitting machine is "ltxpvm-2.lt.admin.ch"
3/11 21:21:26 setting the orig job name in starter
3/11 21:21:26 setting the orig job iwd in starter
3/11 21:21:27 File transfer completed successfully.
3/11 21:21:28 Job 8.0 set to execute immediately
3/11 21:21:28 Starting a VANILLA universe job with ID: 8.0
3/11 21:21:28 Tracking process family by login "condor-reuse-slot1"
3/11 21:21:28 IWD: C:\condor\execute\dir_3580
3/11 21:21:28 Output file: streaming from remote file printname_8_0.out
3/11 21:21:28 Error file: streaming from remote file printname_8_0.err
3/11 21:21:28 Renice expr "10" evaluated to 10
3/11 21:21:28 About to exec C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /Q /C condor_exec.bat
3/11 21:21:28 Create_Process: CreateProcess failed, errno=5
3/11 21:21:28 ERROR "Create_Process(C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe,/Q /C condor_exec.bat, ...) failed" at line 495 in file ..\src\condor_starter.V6.1\os_proc.C
3/11 21:21:28 ShutdownFast all jobs.
The following files are being used for the testing:
universe = vanilla
stream_output = True
stream_error = True
environment = path=C:\WINDOWS\system32;c:\winnt\system32|VMNAME=$$(NAME)
Windows = (OpSys == "WINNT51" || OpSys == "WINNT52")
# Add any requirements (memory, disk) for the job, that the machine that executes
# should satisfy.
Requirements = $(Windows) && (VirtualMachineID == 1)
# Add Ranking requirements to select machines to run this job based on rank
# By default we want the machine that is the fastest and with the most available memory
# Reduce the rank for the machine that matched last time but didn't finish the job
Rank = KFlops + TotalMemory * 1024
executable = printname.bat
output = printname_$(Cluster)_$(Process).out
error = printname_$(Cluster)_$(Process).err
log = printname_$(Cluster)_$(Process).log
@echo off
echo given parameters are:
if a%1 == a goto end
echo %1
goto printparameter
Akinola Oke
IT Systems Engineer
Federal Department of Defense,
Civil Protection and Sport DDPS
Federal Office of Topography swisstopo
Information Technology and Telecommunication Department
Seftigenstrasse 264, CH-3084 Wabern
+41 31 963 24 20 (Direct)
+41 31 963 24 59 (Fax)
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+41 76 438 04 99 (Mobile)