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[Condor-users] How RANK works in Condor?
- Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2008 09:51:03 -0400
- From: "Yu Fu" <yfu@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [Condor-users] How RANK works in Condor?
Hi Condor develper and users,
I have a question about RANK in Condor which is confusing me: as I
understand from the Condor manual, RANK is used in match making, that is,
when jobs are competing (bidding) for a vacant machine slot, the one with
higher RANK will be awarded the slot given other requirements are met. If
there are already some lower RANK jobs running in the pool, when a higher
RANK job is submitted the lower RANK running jobs will not be preempted
(removed, killed, terminated) to release the occupied slots to the waiting
higher RANK jobs. That is, higher RANK jobs are not guaranteed to get slot
immediately when they are submitted. Is my understanding right? I just want
to make sure whether newly coming higher RANK jobs will kick out lower RANK
ones even if they are in executing, or the higher RANK jobs will have to
wait until lower RANK ones are finished.