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Re: [Condor-users] [run jobs on multiple machine with scheduler universe]
- Date: Fri, 25 Apr 2008 15:48:12 -0400
- From: Jean-Pierre Ocalan <jean-pierre.ocalan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [Condor-users] [run jobs on multiple machine with scheduler universe]
Hey Jaime,
I've followed your advice ... now I've two machines organized like this:
- 1 manager, execute, submit
- 1 execute, submit
I've launch from the manager one job (it's actually a script doing a
long loop) and I've launch it in Vanilla and 100 times.
It seems to be executed only on the manager ... How does this work ?
Should I launch a job on the machine I want the execution ?
Jaime Frey wrote:
On Apr 24, 2008, at 2:58 PM, Jean-Pierre Ocalan wrote:
I've set up a little pool of machine to test condor.
I've 5 machine (4 processors each) that are set as execute and 1
machine which is set as manager and submit.
I've submit fewer jobs to condor using a dag file and the scheduler
Process ends well but it look like that only the machine which can
actually submit job can execute it ... how can I run my job on
mutliple machine ?
Do I have to use the grid universe ?
Try the vanilla universe.
Thanks and regards,
Jaime Frey
UW-Madison Condor Team
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