Hi Condor users, I wanted to get your thoughts about Condor-based cloud computing. We've created a service called CycleCloud that automatically creates whole Condor pools on-demand, powered by Amazon Web Services.
For the past few months we've worked with various initial users, and
are ready to start working with more. The system enables users to automatically create large pools, submit work, and then turn
off the pool when done.
We've built this system based upon the use cases we have from companies
we work with, especially in financial services, but now want to understand other possible uses of
this technology.
If you or your company would benefit from being able to easily deploy a 200 node condor pool, then turn it off when your calculation is through, please e-mail me or request an account at the URL below: https://cyclecloud.com/accounts/new/
We're looking for more potential users' requirements and appreciate your time.
Best, Jason
-- =================================== Jason A. Stowe cell: 607.227.9686 main: 888.292.5320
Cycle Computing, LLC Leader in Condor Grid Solutions Enterprise Condor Support and Management Tools