I have a test cluster with one Debian, one Kubuntu and one Fedora
node. I get different errors on all the nodes. I guess I need a local
executable on every node compiled for that spesific distro? Is there
some kind of requirement I can state in the submit file that can
specify distro the executable needs to run? Is there some way to send
my own libraries that my executable needs or do I have to have them on
the same path on each node? Can I have them on NFS? Guess I need to
compile them with NFS paths to lib-files in the Makefile then?
#Submit file
universe = vanilla
executable = dagoc
output = dagoc.out.$(CLUSTER).$(PROCESS)
error = dagoc.err.$(CLUSTER).$(PROCESS)
log = dagoc.log.$(CLUSTER)
should_transfer_files = YES
when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT
transfer_input_files = /mnt/dagocproject/dbases/TEST.db
arguments = -c -start=10 -stop=20 /mnt/dagocproject/setups/
queue 5
What does the following error mean?
dagoc.err.102.0 and dagoc.err.102.4
condor_exec.exe: symbol lookup error: condor_exec.exe: undefined