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Re: [Condor-users] Condor-G Matchmaking
- Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2007 12:06:00 -0000
- From: "Smith, Ian" <I.C.Smith@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [Condor-users] Condor-G Matchmaking
> -----Original Message-----
> From: condor-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:condor-users-
> bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Kewley, J (John)
> Sent: 08 November 2007 11:04
> To: Condor-Users Mail List
> Subject: [Condor-users] Condor-G Matchmaking
> Hi
> I am doing some work with Condor-G and am trying to find out how to
> submit a job that can be matched by more than one globus resource.
> I understand that this was done using
> Universe = globus
> and
> Globusscheduler = $$(GatekeeperUrl)
> in the past.
> What is the syntax for this when using the newer
> Universe = grid
> Grid_resource = gt2 globus_resource/jobmanager
I imagine it would be
Grid_resource = gt2 $$(GatekeeperUrl)
for compatibility with with the old version.
> Also, what needs to be setup on the globus resources to enable the
> matchmaking?
You need to advertise an attribute e.g. Name (fully qualified host name)
for each resource and use that for matchmaking in the requirements spec e.g.
requirements = ( TARGET.gatekeeper_url =!= UNDEFINED ) && ( Name == "host.domain" ) )
You also need to advertise GatekeeperUrl as a machine classad corresponding to
the resource e.g. When the scheduler makes a match
it will subsititue the value in the $$(GatekeeperUrl) macro so you get the right
jobmanager. If you advertise some dynamic info such as the number of free nodes you
can perform more sophisticated matchmaking e.g.
requirements = ( TARGET.gatekeeper_url =!= UNDEFINED ) && \
( ( ( Name == "host.domain" ) && ( FreeNodes >= 4 ) ) || \
( ( Name == "otherhost.domain" ) && ( FreeNodes >= 8 ) ) )
( run the job on host.domain if there are at least four free nodes or otherhost.domain
if there are at least eight ).
You could use condor_advertise on each resource to send the classads to the central manager
( could be security/firewall issues tho' ) or have the central manager "pull" the info and
use condor_advertise locally to publish the classads (may be safer).
BTW the old syntax still works fine for us on 6.8.4
Dr Ian C. Smith
e-Science Team
University of Liverpool
Computing Services Department