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Re: [Condor-users] SSL authentication with WinXP
On Thu, 15 Mar 2007 19:07:25 +0000 (GMT)
Bruce Beckles <mbb10@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> CRLs are a hideously broken method of trying to deal with certificates
> that should no longer be considered valid. It would be much better to
> implement support for OCSP (*), which is at least a somewhat less broken
> way of handling things.
> (*)
Didn't know about OCSP until today, thanks for the heads-up!
By looking at the RFC it seems indeed that it is a better alternative than
CRLs! I wouldn't mind having support for OCSP integrated in a future
version of Condor....I'm also willing to test it :)
PS: still had no time to complete an SSL-howto for Condor...but it is in
the pipeline :)