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[Condor-users] Understanding rank, LoadAvg and ...
- Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2007 14:49:06 +0200
- From: Wolf-Dieter Klotz <klotz@xxxxxxx>
- Subject: [Condor-users] Understanding rank, LoadAvg and ...
I have two SMP (4 cpus each) machines: coral31 and coral32. In the
machine ClassAd of coral31 I set RANK=2.0 and in coral32
RANK=1.0. Then I submit a job cluster with 4 jobs from coral31 without
setting any RANK in the job ClassAd. What Happens? all 4 jobs stay at
coral31 as expected. Then I submit the same jobs from coral32. 3 of the
four jobs go to coral31 as expected but one stays on coral32 (which has
a lower RANK). Why? I thought that RANK expressions are deterministic -
I mean with my set up all 4 jobs should always go to coral31? Is there
something else that plays a role? Remark: on both machines I switched
off notification of console or tty activity.
I came to this test because users are asking that their jobs go to the
machines with highest throughput (MIPS) and lowest load (LoadAvg). But
all what I tried did not really work well. So I made this test with two
machines to better understand what is going on. And even the result of
this test does not fit my understandings. Does anyone know how to
reliably set up such a policy?
Dr.W-D.Klotz - Europ. Synch. Rad. Facility (ESRF)
BP 220, 38043 Grenoble, CEDEX 9, France
work : +33(0), fax: ...24.27
mobile: +33(0)
mail : klotz@xxxxxxx or wdklotz@xxxxxxxxx