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[Condor-users] Job keeps idle after reaching ~ 1GB and then re-executed but never finishes
- Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2007 21:05:35 +0800 (PHT)
- From: "Leo Cristobal C. Ambolode II" <leo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [Condor-users] Job keeps idle after reaching ~ 1GB and then re-executed but never finishes
Hi all,
Can anyone explain to me what happened to my jobs: the batch jobs I have
became idle for some time when one of the jobs reached approximately 1GB
of result/file, and then the jobs are re-executed..this keeps on repeating
twice then I decided to remove the job because it never finishes....I am
expecting that each job would return approximately 5 GB each. Is this some
restriction in Condor environment?,if so, how can I fix this?
The following is the log file of my job:
000 (552.000.000) 07/28 21:58:24 Job submitted from host: <>
000 (552.001.000) 07/28 21:58:24 Job submitted from host: <>
000 (552.002.000) 07/28 21:58:24 Job submitted from host: <>
001 (552.000.000) 07/28 21:58:27 Job executing on host: <>
001 (552.001.000) 07/28 21:58:29 Job executing on host: <>
001 (552.002.000) 07/28 21:58:32 Job executing on host: <>
006 (552.000.000) 07/28 21:58:36 Image size of job updated: 232508
006 (552.001.000) 07/28 21:58:37 Image size of job updated: 222952
006 (552.002.000) 07/28 21:58:40 Image size of job updated: 240012
006 (552.000.000) 07/28 22:18:36 Image size of job updated: 299492
006 (552.001.000) 07/28 22:18:37 Image size of job updated: 300036
006 (552.002.000) 07/28 22:18:40 Image size of job updated: 300564
006 (552.000.000) 07/28 22:38:35 Image size of job updated: 299992
006 (552.001.000) 07/28 22:38:37 Image size of job updated: 300588
006 (552.002.000) 07/28 22:38:40 Image size of job updated: 301064
006 (552.002.000) 07/28 22:58:40 Image size of job updated: 301196
006 (552.000.000) 07/28 23:18:35 Image size of job updated: 303588
006 (552.001.000) 07/28 23:18:37 Image size of job updated: 304188
006 (552.002.000) 07/28 23:18:40 Image size of job updated: 304660
006 (552.000.000) 07/28 23:38:35 Image size of job updated: 304708
006 (552.001.000) 07/28 23:38:37 Image size of job updated: 305304
006 (552.002.000) 07/28 23:38:40 Image size of job updated: 305776
006 (552.000.000) 07/29 00:38:36 Image size of job updated: 325480
006 (552.001.000) 07/29 00:38:37 Image size of job updated: 324032
006 (552.002.000) 07/29 00:38:39 Image size of job updated: 324516
006 (552.000.000) 07/29 00:58:36 Image size of job updated: 327124
006 (552.001.000) 07/29 00:58:37 Image size of job updated: 327980
006 (552.002.000) 07/29 01:18:39 Image size of job updated: 327168
006 (552.000.000) 07/29 01:38:36 Image size of job updated: 327640
006 (552.002.000) 07/29 02:18:40 Image size of job updated: 328708
006 (552.000.000) 07/29 03:38:35 Image size of job updated: 338992
006 (552.000.000) 07/29 04:38:36 Image size of job updated: 588500
006 (552.001.000) 07/29 04:38:37 Image size of job updated: 333832
006 (552.002.000) 07/29 04:38:40 Image size of job updated: 339928
006 (552.001.000) 07/29 05:38:37 Image size of job updated: 599632
006 (552.002.000) 07/29 05:38:40 Image size of job updated: 594704
006 (552.002.000) 07/29 05:58:40 Image size of job updated: 601292
001 (552.000.000) 07/29 06:23:53 Job executing on host: <>
001 (552.001.000) 07/29 06:34:15 Job executing on host: <>
001 (552.002.000) 07/29 06:34:17 Job executing on host: <>
006 (552.000.000) 07/29 06:44:01 Image size of job updated: 300600
006 (552.001.000) 07/29 06:54:23 Image size of job updated: 300148
006 (552.002.000) 07/29 06:54:25 Image size of job updated: 299148
006 (552.000.000) 07/29 07:04:01 Image size of job updated: 301100
006 (552.001.000) 07/29 07:14:23 Image size of job updated: 300616
006 (552.002.000) 07/29 07:14:25 Image size of job updated: 299456
006 (552.000.000) 07/29 07:24:01 Image size of job updated: 304700
006 (552.001.000) 07/29 07:34:23 Image size of job updated: 304212
006 (552.002.000) 07/29 07:34:25 Image size of job updated: 303052
006 (552.000.000) 07/29 07:44:01 Image size of job updated: 305816
006 (552.001.000) 07/29 07:54:23 Image size of job updated: 305332
006 (552.002.000) 07/29 07:54:26 Image size of job updated: 304172
006 (552.000.000) 07/29 08:44:01 Image size of job updated: 324556
006 (552.001.000) 07/29 08:54:23 Image size of job updated: 325088
006 (552.002.000) 07/29 08:54:25 Image size of job updated: 323752
006 (552.000.000) 07/29 09:04:01 Image size of job updated: 328840
006 (552.001.000) 07/29 09:14:23 Image size of job updated: 326720
006 (552.002.000) 07/29 09:14:25 Image size of job updated: 326972
006 (552.001.000) 07/29 09:54:23 Image size of job updated: 327492
006 (552.002.000) 07/29 09:54:25 Image size of job updated: 327228
006 (552.000.000) 07/29 11:44:01 Image size of job updated: 334344
006 (552.001.000) 07/29 11:54:23 Image size of job updated: 333860
006 (552.002.000) 07/29 11:54:25 Image size of job updated: 332700
006 (552.002.000) 07/29 12:34:26 Image size of job updated: 439668
006 (552.000.000) 07/29 12:44:01 Image size of job updated: 596972
006 (552.001.000) 07/29 12:54:23 Image size of job updated: 595696
006 (552.002.000) 07/29 12:54:25 Image size of job updated: 598368
006 (552.000.000) 07/29 20:04:01 Image size of job updated: 924564
006 (552.001.000) 07/29 20:14:23 Image size of job updated: 846144
006 (552.000.000) 07/29 20:24:01 Image size of job updated: 1033628
001 (552.000.000) 07/29 22:17:22 Job executing on host: <>
001 (552.001.000) 07/29 22:17:24 Job executing on host: <>
001 (552.002.000) 07/29 22:22:24 Job executing on host: <>
006 (552.000.000) 07/29 22:37:30 Image size of job updated: 299556
006 (552.001.000) 07/29 22:37:32 Image size of job updated: 298980
006 (552.002.000) 07/29 22:42:31 Image size of job updated: 301080
006 (552.000.000) 07/29 22:57:31 Image size of job updated: 300056
006 (552.001.000) 07/29 22:57:32 Image size of job updated: 299476
006 (552.002.000) 07/29 23:02:31 Image size of job updated: 301108
006 (552.000.000) 07/29 23:17:30 Image size of job updated: 303652
006 (552.002.000) 07/29 23:22:31 Image size of job updated: 304704
006 (552.000.000) 07/29 23:37:30 Image size of job updated: 304772
006 (552.001.000) 07/29 23:37:32 Image size of job updated: 303076
006 (552.002.000) 07/29 23:42:32 Image size of job updated: 305820
006 (552.001.000) 07/29 23:57:32 Image size of job updated: 304192
006 (552.000.000) 07/30 00:37:30 Image size of job updated: 323696
006 (552.002.000) 07/30 00:42:32 Image size of job updated: 326856
006 (552.000.000) 07/30 00:57:30 Image size of job updated: 327188
006 (552.001.000) 07/30 00:57:32 Image size of job updated: 322928
006 (552.002.000) 07/30 01:02:31 Image size of job updated: 328236
006 (552.001.000) 07/30 01:17:32 Image size of job updated: 326608
006 (552.002.000) 07/30 01:42:32 Image size of job updated: 328752
006 (552.001.000) 07/30 02:17:33 Image size of job updated: 327124
006 (552.000.000) 07/30 03:37:30 Image size of job updated: 333300
006 (552.002.000) 07/30 03:42:31 Image size of job updated: 334352
006 (552.001.000) 07/30 03:57:33 Image size of job updated: 372392
006 (552.000.000) 07/30 04:17:30 Image size of job updated: 376872
006 (552.002.000) 07/30 04:22:31 Image size of job updated: 443972
006 (552.000.000) 07/30 04:37:30 Image size of job updated: 597524
006 (552.002.000) 07/30 04:42:32 Image size of job updated: 588952
006 (552.001.000) 07/30 04:57:33 Image size of job updated: 591804
006 (552.002.000) 07/30 06:22:32 Image size of job updated: 596632
006 (552.001.000) 07/30 06:37:33 Image size of job updated: 594992
006 (552.002.000) 07/30 11:42:32 Image size of job updated: 851356
006 (552.000.000) 07/30 11:57:30 Image size of job updated: 977040
006 (552.001.000) 07/30 11:57:33 Image size of job updated: 679004
006 (552.002.000) 07/30 12:02:33 Image size of job updated: 1034548
006 (552.000.000) 07/30 12:17:31 Image size of job updated: 1033368
006 (552.001.000) 07/30 12:17:33 Image size of job updated: 1031860
...then the job became idle again :(