Hi I am wondering if anyone else has faced this problem when submitting jobs against a web services enabled gatekeeper. The simple case (job submitted to fork job manager from command line works fine). However when I submit job (using a submit file) to condor-g, it gets held with following error on submit node ... HoldReason = "Globus error: The requested algorithm http://www.globus.org/2002/04/xmlenc#gssapi-sign does not exist. Original Message was: null" HoldReasonCode = 0 HoldReasonSubCode = 0 ... The submit file is as follows: Universe = grid Grid_Type = gt4 Jobmanager_Type = Condor GlobusScheduler = https://fermigrid1.fnal.gov:9443 Executable = /bin/date Output = job.output Error = job.error Log = job.log Queue As far as I can tell, submit file is ok. Is this in any way due to some misconfiguration on gatekeeper node? Any help is appreciated. - Neha |