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[Condor-users] Is it Possible to Divide My Code?
- Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2007 10:46:52 +0800 (PHT)
- From: leo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: [Condor-users] Is it Possible to Divide My Code?
Hi all,
Is it possible that using Globus Toolkit or Condor, my C/C++ code be
divided in such a way that every class in my code be submitted to
different computing nodes? Could DAGMAN can do this? Please try to look at
the comments in my code to see what I wanted to do.
I am using Condor as my scheduler and I have a Condor pool of 5 machines.
Here's my sample/testing code:
//main program for testing the class Complex
#include "Complex.h"
#include <iostream.h>
complex() {
Complex A, B, C, D;
A = Complex(1,2);
B = Complex(2,3);
C = Complex(1,3);
B.Show(); //to be submitted to compute node 1
D.Show(); //to be submitted to compute node 2
D.Show(); //to be submitted to compute node 3
D.Show(); //to be submitted to compute node 4
D = ((A+B) + Multiply(B,C) - C) / (Subtract(A,C));
D.Show(); //to be submitted to compute node 5
gSystem->Clear(); //just ignore this,
//I'm using ROOT that's why
//have this line
I attached the header file in case you need it. :)
Thank you in advance.
//Implementation of methods for class Complex
//* (Update Record)
//* 07/12/2006 H.C.Gooc,Jr. Original Version
class Complex
Complex::Complex(): fReal(0), fImaginary(0) {};
Complex::Complex(Complex& comp) {
fReal = comp.fReal;
fImaginary = comp.fImaginary;
Complex::Complex(Double_t& real, Double_t& imaginary) {
fReal = real;
fImaginary = imaginary;
void Complex::Add(Complex& A, Complex& B) {
fReal = A.fReal*B.fImaginary + A.fImaginary*B.fReal;
fImaginary = A.fImaginary*B.fImaginary;
void Complex::Subtract(Complex& A, Complex& B) {
fReal = A.fReal*B.fImaginary - A.fImaginary*B.fReal;
fImaginary = A.fImaginary*B.fImaginary;
void Complex::Multiply(Complex& A, Complex& B) {
fReal = A.fReal * B.fReal;
fImaginary = A.fImaginary * B.fImaginary;
void Complex::Divide(Complex& A, Complex& B) {
fReal = A.fReal * B.fImaginary;
fImaginary = A.fImaginary * B.fReal;
void Complex::Show() {
cout << endl << "Real = " << fReal << endl
<< "Imaginary = " << fImaginary << endl;
//Below are not part anymore of the class Complex
//These are some implementations that uses the class Complex
Complex Add (Complex& A, Complex& B) {
return A+B;
Complex Subtract (Complex& A, Complex& B) {
return A-B;
Complex Multiply (Complex& A, Complex& B) {
return A*B;
Complex Divide (Complex& A, Complex& B) {
return A/B;
//headers for ADT Complex
//* (Update Record)
//* 07/12/2006 H.C.Gooc,Jr. Original Version
#ifndef __Complex__
#define __Complex__
#include "Complex.cxx"
class Complex {
Complex(Complex& complex);
Complex(Double_t& real, Double_t& imaginary);
virtual ~Complex() {};
Double_t fReal;
Double_t fImaginary;
Double_t GetReal() {return fReal;}
Double_t GetImaginary() {return fImaginary;}
void SetReal (Double_t real) {fReal = real;}
void SetImaginary (Double_t imaginary) {fImaginary = imaginary;}
void Add (Complex& A, Complex& B);
void Subtract (Complex& A, Complex& B);
void Multiply (Complex& A, Complex& B);
void Divide (Complex& A, Complex& B);
void Show(); //for displaying results, just for debugging
//implement binary operators
Complex operator=(Complex& C) { //overrides = operator
fReal = C.fReal;
fImaginary = C.fImaginary;
return *this;
Complex operator+(Complex& C) { //performs addition
Complex temp;
temp.fReal = fReal + C.fReal;
temp.fImaginary = fImaginary + C.fImaginary;
return temp;
Complex operator-(Complex& C) { //performs subtraction
Complex temp;
temp.fReal = fReal - C.fReal;
temp.fImaginary = fImaginary - C.fImaginary;
return temp;
Complex operator*(Complex& C) { //performs multiplication
Complex temp;
temp.fReal = fReal*C.fReal - fImaginary*C.fImaginary;
temp.fImaginary = fImaginary*C.fReal + fReal*C.fImaginary;
return temp;
Complex operator/(Complex& C) { //performs division
Complex temp;
temp.fReal = (fReal*C.fReal + fImaginary*C.fImaginary)/(C.fReal*C.fReal + C.fImaginary*C.fImaginary);
temp.fImaginary = (fImaginary*C.fReal - fReal*C.fImaginary)/(C.fReal*C.fReal + C.fImaginary*C.fImaginary);
return temp;