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[Condor-users] does condor transfer output files to submit client machines ?

I wasn't very clear about condor's behavior in transferring output files:

I have 2 boxes, one, box A, running all the condor components,

the other, box B, runs nothing, but has the condor binaries, including
condor_submit, and has the config pointing to the pool running on A.

then on box B I submit a simple job, telling condor to transfer back files 
universe = vanilla
Executable     = /bin/echo
output = simple.output
error = simple.err
log            = simple.log
should_transfer_files = YES
when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT
transfer_executable= FALSE


the job runs on A, but after the "R" state, it always stays in "C"
(Completed). should condor transfer back the files to B?

I guess not, so that means, without shared FS, I have to submit jobs on the
same box as schedd ?
