I’m trying to submit _vbscript_ jobs from a linux machine to a pool of XP machines. To simplify the test case, I’m using the requirements _expression_ to send the job to a single machine every time. As an executable, I’m using C:\windows\system32\cscript.exe, and I’m passing the _vbscript_ as an input file and as an argument to cscript.exe. I’m seeing the following returned from stdout:
CScript Error: Loading your settings failed. (Access is denied. )
From what I can tell from web searches, this error seems to indicate that the user does not have read permission to either of a couple of registry keys (one under HKEY_MACHINE and one under HKEY_USERS). However, “Everyone” has read permission on HKEY_MACHINE and HKEY_USERS, and I see nothing in any of the intermediate keys that denies any permissions to any user. I’ve tried adding read permission on these keys explicitly to condor-reuse-vm1, and that did not help.
Has anybody successfully run jobs that use cscript.exe? Any ideas?
Michael. |