Subject: [Condor-users] Basic submission script for MPI jobs
I'm a basic Condor user and I have some MPI codes that I'd like to start running on one of my clusters, which is using Condor. On this cluster our group has thus far only run serial jobs using the Condor Vanilla universe. My MPI code spawns processes after starting. I'd like to tell Condor how many nodes I need and have it reserve those nodes for me and somehow communicate with my code which nodes it can spawn its processes on.
Does anyone have a basic submission script that uses the MPI Universe for a simple job that I might be able to look at and learn how to get Condor to handle my MPI jobs properly?
Thanks in advance...HPH
-- Hrant P. Hratchian, Ph.D. E. R. Davidson Fellow Department of Chemistry Indiana University Bloomington, Indiana 47405-7102 812.856.0829 hhratchi@xxxxxxxxxxx