Fabiano Portella wrote:
> My question is: since they want to use OpenMPI as a middleware for
> mpiBLAST, is there any problem to run OpenMPI jobs in Condor? I saw that
> Condor doesn't provide support for MPICH2. Is this applicable to
> OpenMPI? Do you have any link or doc informing how put them together to
> work (OpenMPI and Condor)?
Condor should be able to run OpenMPI jobs with the condor Parallel
Universe which is new in condor 6.7. We provide sample scripts for Lam
and mpich jobs startup. It should be easy to modify the mpich startup
script for OpenMPI, it looks like the only thing you will need to change
is the way to specify that "condor_! ssh" is the "ssh" that mpirun uses to
launch execute nodes. For openmpi, you can modify the mpich example
file so that the mpirun line has something like
mpirun --mca pls_rsh_agent path_to_condor_ssh
and that should do it.
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