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[Condor-users] assertion, hang
- Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2006 22:13:46 -0500
- From: "Matthew Galati" <Matthew.Galati@xxxxxxx>
- Subject: [Condor-users] assertion, hang
My condor pool consists of a set of machines running Windows 2003 Server. All of my input, executables and output are on a shared windows drive. Here is part of my sub:
environment = PATH=\\ordsrv3\ormpdata\bin\WinXP-Debug;c:\WINDOWS\system32;c:\WINNT\system32
executable = condor_exec.bat
initialdir = \\ordsrv3\ormpdata\milprun\test_win
transfer_executable = false
should_transfer_files = NO
requirements = (OpSys=="WINNT52")
output = 10teams.out
error = 10teams.err
log = 10teams.log
universe = vanilla
arguments = --parm \\ordsrv3\ormpdata\parm\milpwin.parm --instance 10teams
queue 1
output = 22433.out
error = 22433.err
log = 22433.log
universe = vanilla
arguments = --parm \\ordsrv3\ormpdata\parm\milpwin.parm --instance 22433
queue 1
I am using condor_exec.bat as a wrapper to my executable. If I try to run the executable directly, I get Shadow Exception at "CreateProcess". The .bat file was suggested on this mailing list - it seems to work.
\\ordsrv3\ormpdata\bin\WinXP-Debug\exemilpNET.exe %*
If my executable dies due to an assertion failure (this is a C app, using assert( )), then the failure correctly reports to stderr. However, the job seems to get hung. That is, it stays in the condor queue indefinitely, as if condor does not know that it is done - even after the assertion. Is there some way to handle this situation? I want condor to treat the assertion as a completion so that it moves on to the next in the queue.