Subject: [Condor-users] Error: Could not fetch ads --- can't find collector
I hav setup condor-6.6.10 on fedora core-3 with globus -4, one machine is configured as head node ( not proxy server) and other as client node, after long trouble also , Im unable to solve the problem
Extra Info: You probably saw this error because the condor_schedd is not running on the machine you are trying to query. If the condor_schedd is not running, the Condor sys!
tem will
not be able to find an address and port to connect to and satisfy this request. Please make sure the Condor daemons are running and try again.
Extra Info: If the condor_schedd is running on the machine you are trying to query and you still see the error, the most likely cause is that you have setup a personal Condor, you have not defined SCHEDD_NAME in your condor_config file, and something is wrong with your SCHEDD_ADDRESS_FILE setting. You must define either or both of those settings in your config file, or you must use the -name option to condor_q. Please see the Condor manual for details on SCHEDD_NAME and SCHEDD_ADDRESS_FILE.
[root@nodeA ~]# condor_status Error: Could not fetch ads --- can't find collector