I think the problem you are seeing is coming from sendFileHelper() in
the SOAPScheddApiHelper.java you sent. In there you will find the
line "int index = filenameWithPath.lastIndexOf('/');" that will not
give you a correct response because your paths use '\'s instead of
'/'s. Try changing the '/' to a '\' and see what happens. This is
likely a broken assumption that was made in the helper api, sorry.
Single Back Slash is an escape character and therefore becomes a
syntax error within quotes or double quotes. Double Back Slash
doesn't work either. I have tried using both. However, the file
paths can be mentioned in two ways: with \\ or with /.
So keeping the line int index = filenameWithPath.lastIndexOf('/');
as it is, I have tried two ways
when I try with this way
filesToSend = { "d:/test/TestJob.class" }
SOAPScheddApiHelper.submitJobHelper(schedd, null, -1, -1, "afras",
"TestJob.class", "TestJob", null, null,
I get the following errors:
Failed to begin Transaction
JobSubmissionException Failed to begin Transaction
If I only change
filesToSend = {"d:\\test\\TestJob.class"}
then I get
Error Declaring File
Afrasyab: Submit Job Exception
where this exception is only thrown for instruction
SOAPScheddApiHelper.submitJobHelper(schedd, null, -1, -1, "afras",
"TestJob.class", "TestJob", null, null,
is made.