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Re: [Condor-users] Windows FORTRAN scratch files
- Date: Fri, 2 Jun 2006 12:32:40 -0400
- From: "Newman, Michael" <MNewman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [Condor-users] Windows FORTRAN scratch files
I've had the same problem with FORTRAN scratch files on Windows 2000 and
Windows XP computers.
I tried altering TMP or TEMP environment variables, but had no luck (For
reference, I use the Lahey Fortran compiler). My solution was to change
lines like this:
and just tell the BAT file that runs the FORTRAN program to also delete
the 'iox.scratch' file at the end so it doesn't get transferred back to
the submitting computer.
-Mike Newman
Chemical Engineer
TRC Environmental Corporation
-----Original Message-----
From: condor-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:condor-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Matt Hope
Sent: Friday, June 02, 2006 3:31 AM
To: Condor-Users Mail List
Subject: Re: [Condor-users] Windows FORTRAN scratch files
On 6/2/06, Greg.Hitchen@xxxxxxxx <Greg.Hitchen@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> We're having problems with a FORTRAN program that uses temporary
> files
> (i.e. opened using STATUS='SCRATCH' and FILE= not specified). Under
> conditions
> a file fort.nnn will be created in the system temp directory. We get
> following message
> in the condor error log:
> open: Permission denied
> apparent state: unit 39 named \fort.392
> lately writing sequential formatted external IO
> I'm guessing that the problem is that the job is running as a user
> doesn't have enough
> permissions to use the execute machines temp directory?
> Can anyone confirm this?
This sounds extremely likely. What OS are you running on.
I don't know how FORTRAN programs determine where the temp dir is but
you could try altering you TMP or TEMP environment variable to point
to something like ./tmp (.\tmp for windows) so it writes to a subdir
of the working directory (this can be done by a wrapper script on the
job or via the condor submit.
A side effect of using a subdir of the condor directory is that the
files will not be transferred back (which I would guess is the desired
You may need to create said directory as part of your jobs
initialization code (I don't know if FORTRAN will create the subdir
for you if it doesn't exist)
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