We're having problems with a FORTRAN program that uses temporary scratch files
(i.e. opened using STATUS='SCRATCH' and FILE= not specified). Under these conditions
a file fort.nnn will be created in the system temp directory. We get the following message
in the condor error log:
open: Permission denied
apparent state: unit 39 named \fort.392
lately writing sequential formatted external IO
I'm guessing that the problem is that the job is running as a user that doesn't have enough
permissions to use the execute machines temp directory?
Can anyone confirm this?
Greg Hitchen greg.hitchen@xxxxxxxx
CSIRO Exploration and Mining phone:ᄉ 8 6436 8663
Australian Resources Research Centre (ARRC) fax: ᄉ 8 6436 8555
Postal address: mob: 0407 952 748
PO Box 1130, Bentley WA 6102, Australia
Street Address:
26 Dick Perry Avenue, Kensington WA 6151