We have a user running ~120 jobs per night. At the moment no other users are submitting jobs.
We have a total of ~200 execute nodes available. He gets a max of ~70-80 jobs running at once.
i.e. there are still ~120 nodes available but not getting used. Would increasing his priority get him
more machines. From reading the docs I have a feel for how this works when multiple users are
submitting jobs and competing for resources but how does this work when there is only one user?
Is there some sort of limit to one user only being able to use a certain fraction of available nodes?
i.e. Are some "reserved" in case other users submit jobs? Would increasing his priority get him
more nodes if he is the only user?
BTW these couple of hundred nodes are in 3 different pools with flocking enabled.
Greg Hitchen greg.hitchen@xxxxxxxx
CSIRO Exploration and Mining phone:ᄉ 8 6436 8663
Australian Resources Research Centre (ARRC) fax: ᄉ 8 6436 8555
Postal address: mob: 0407 952 748
PO Box 1130, Bentley WA 6102, Australia
Street Address:
26 Dick Perry Avenue, Kensington WA 6151