I don't have current access to the grid, I will
check the shadow log this evening. Just in case, where is this log
I have a condor NFS share with all the binaries
that all the nodes connect to, each of the nodes has a local scratch folder with
their local config file. The program is located on a
sub folder of the condor shared folder with write access (I
believe) set for read/write/execute. I have not explicitly
designated file transfer. The program does output to a text file in the
program source folder. As I was able to run this as a test in the previous
I will check the file permissions, that seems like
a likely problem.
My main purpose in this program is to just output a
few time stamps into a single output file, is there a way to do this that is
supported more directly in Condor that would work better than just writting to a
text file?
## ## Prime Number Condor command file ## #################### Universte = standard executable = prime_new log =
#output =
output = prime_new.out error = prime_new.err # 1
arguments = 10000000 10000500 1 queue # 2
arguments = 10000501 10001000 2 queue The program is running from
/home/condor/condor/prime that exists on all nodes through an NFS