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Re: [Condor-users] FW: [condor-admin #13222] Invoking Grid Service Using Condor
- Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 15:56:56 -0600
- From: Jaime Frey <jfrey@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [Condor-users] FW: [condor-admin #13222] Invoking Grid Service Using Condor
On Jan 27, 2006, at 12:00 AM, pushpa wrote:
I have installed Condor-6.6.10 and Globus Toolkit-4.0.1. After
condor i have ran the setup-jobmanager-condor script file.After
running this
setup file i am able to submit the jobs using the globus command
globusrun-ws (as well condor_submit). I was successful in executing
a job
with universe= globus using the command condor_submit .
The following is the job i submit for invoking a grid service
Executable =Client.class
I dont want to invoke the service using the Client.class that uses
i want to invoke a grid service by giving the URL of the service,the
namespace,method name (basically a soap call, that does not require
Is it possible??????
This is a Globus question. Try asking on discuss@xxxxxxxxxx how to do
this outside of Condor and then turning it into a Condor job.
My other question is....
Are the above steps sufficient to install condor and condor-G or
are there
any other configuration steps to be followed for installing both
condr and
It depends on what you want to do. One thing to note is that if you
want to use Condor-G to submit jobs to WS-GRAM (i.e. if you'd use
globusrun-ws to submit the jobs otherwise), you'll need to Condor
6.7.x, not 6.6.10.
-- Jaime
-----Original Message-----
From: condor-admin response tracking system
Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 10:51 PM
To: pushpag@xxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [condor-admin #13222] Invoking Grid Service Using Condor
"Pushpa" <condor-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
Pushpa> hi, I have installed Condor6.6.10 on RedHat9.0. I am able
Pushpa> to submit jobs using condor_submit as well as
Pushpa> globusrun-ws.I want to invoke a grid service running on
Pushpa> GT4.0.1 container. Can you please tell me how do i invoke
Pushpa> a grid service using Condor. Please Help Me !!!!!!
I am not 100% sure what you mean by "invoke a grid service using
Condor" but I guess you may use Condor-G. Briefly, it's like an
interface from Condor to Globus. So it allows you to use Condor to
submit jobs to a Globus pool.
Some helpful links and examples are here:
* From: Anatoly Karp <akarp@xxxxxxxxxxx>
* Ticket Email List: pushpag@xxxxxxxx,
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Condor-users mailing list
| Jaime Frey | I used to be a heavy gambler. |
| jfrey@xxxxxxxxxxx | But now I just make mental bets. |
| | That's how I lost my mind. |