Please take a look at netstat -anlp | grep condor and see if the daemons are running properly and on which port they are listening to. an strace -vvv -f -FF -ff of the condor_status command may also reveal some clues. Regards, Chaitanya Vihang Dudhalkar wrote: i have installed a personal condor.. it has installed properly. i can see the master, collector, negotiator demons but i dont see anything when i run condor_status [vihang@eleven tmp]$ condor_status [vihang@eleven tmp]$ what might be worng? i have seached the net but no results.. thank in adavance -- ___________________________________________ -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.1 GCS/S C++++ P+ L+++(++++) E++(+++) W++ N+++ w--- G++++ e+++ a-- y d- s:++ r-- b+ Y+ G+++ ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------ decode with "Neatness is about making it easy to read code *quickly*. The pattern recognizer in your brain doesn't work as well on a jumbled mess." - H. Peter Anvin _______________________________________________ Condor-users mailing list Condor-users@xxxxxxxxxxx |