Hi there, Firstly, apologies for unintentionally having sent this as a reply to someone else's post! The reply button is dangerous at times... I have what I think is a fairly straight forward query... whenever I try to compile and link any program using condor_compile, as follows: condor_compile g++ -o testprog.remote application.cpp generalfunctions.cpp heuristics.cpp initpopgenerator.cpp intermediaryfunctions.cpp mutationfunction.cpp readinputandmakematricies.cpp safunctions.cpp I get the infamous error about the "Internal ID" not being set... i.e. the linking with Condor libraries is failing. If, however, I create a makefile for the project (with some generic, unused options for other languages), as follows: C = gcc C++ = g++ F77 = g77 all: c++ c fortran c++: testprog.remote clean: /bin/rm *.remote *.out *.err *.log *.output core* tmp testprog.remote: application.cpp generalfunctions.cpp heuristics.cpp initpopgenerator.cpp intermediaryfunctions.cpp mutationfunction.cpp readinputandmakematricies.cpp safunctions.cpp condor_compile $(C++) -o testprog.remote application.cpp generalfunctions.cpp heuristics.cpp initpopgenerator.cpp intermediaryfunctions.cpp mutationfunction.cpp readinputandmakematricies.cpp safunctions.cpp The program links with the Condor libraries fine. Does anyone know why this is? I'd rather not have to create these makefiles for all projects, I'd like to be able to use condor_compile from the command line. The sense that I get from the Condor manual is that if the compiler won't work, it won't work, using a makefile in this way shouldn't help, but it does! Many thanks, Ross Cranford Research Assistant Napier University Edinburgh Scotland ;This message is intended for the addressee(s) only and should not be read, copied or disclosed to anyone else outwith the University without the permission of the sender. It is your responsibility to ensure that this message and any attachments are scanned for viruses or other defects. Napier University does not accept liability for any loss or damage which may result from this email or any attachment, or for errors or omissions arising after it was sent. Email is not a secure medium. Email entering the University's system is subject to routine monitoring and filtering by the University. This message is intended for the addressee(s) only and should not be read, copied or disclosed to anyone else outwith the University without the permission of the sender. It is your responsibility to ensure that this message and any attachments are scanned for viruses or other defects. Napier University does not accept liability for any loss or damage which may result from this email or any attachment, or for errors or omissions arising after it was sent. Email is not a secure medium. Email entering the University's system is subject to routine monitoring and filtering by the University.