On Aug 30, 2006, at 5:30 PM, Michael Thomas wrote:
Hi Jens, Jens-Soenke Voeckler wrote:On Aug 29, 2006, at 16:42 , Michael Thomas wrote:What is the right way (if any) for a globus universe job to change theinitial working directory for running jobs? I have a user who issubmitting globus jobs with InitialDir set to some shared directory at our site, but the local condor 6.7.18 batch system is ignoring this andusing _CONDOR_SCRATCH_DIR instead. Is the only solution to have the user cd to the desired directory instead of trying to use InitialDir?Try "remote_initialdir" for grid jobs.Thanks for the tip. I can set remote_initialdir in the user's job description file, which gets translated to InitialDir in the gatekeeper's job submission script from the Globus job manager. However, when the job runs, it seems to ignore this InitialDir setting and runs in _CONDOR_SCRATCH_DIR instead.
I would expect this behavior if the job is being submitted with file-transfer mode turned on (e.g. should_transfer_files=yes or something equivalent in the submit file generated by your jobmanager). Is that the case?
With file-transfer mode turned on, InitialDir no longer determines the working directory of the job, because it is assumed that the job is running on a machine without access to the same file system. However, you can set remote_initialdir (in the submit file generated by your jobmanager) to control the working directory of the job. There's plenty of potential for getting confused here between settings in the original (globus universe) submit file and the final (vanilla universe) submit file generated by the jobmanager, so hopefully what I said above makes sense. Let me know if it doesn't!