On 8/17/06, Peter F. Couvares <pfc@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Horvátth, I understand now, thanks. We've actually considered supporting this precise situation as a first-class feature (registering a "pause" in the DAG for human intervention). Let me talk with Kent and get back to you soon about what we might be able to do to help replace your Rube Goldberg machine... :)
As a hack could you have a job which submitted to the scheduler universe and waited for user input in some manner (say wrting to a log or sending an email, whatever floats your boat) then the user can edit some file/database etc and the 'pause' job polls this till it is happy you made your decision (beautifully coming back to life if your machine goes down etc) and indicates as it's return code the choice of the user. I'm no dagman user so this might have a hole you can drive a truck though but it sounds roughly feasible. If the scheduler universe is not a llowed a startd dedicated to the pause processes with a very l;arge number of VM's would also do the trick (albeit without playing as nice if it died) Matt