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[Condor-users] jobs submitted through globusrun-ws to condor are always inactive
- Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2006 10:02:29 -0700 (PDT)
- From: Ping Luo <luop0812@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [Condor-users] jobs submitted through globusrun-ws to condor are always inactive
I have a linux machine with the following information:
OS: Redhat linux enterprise 4.
Kernel: 2.6.9-42.ELsmp
Platform: dell precision 490, Xeon dual core
Architecture: x86_64
I installed a personal condor and globus toolkit
I tested condor using
>condor_submit sh_loop.cmd
The content of sh_loop.cmd is shown below:
>more sh_loop.cmd
-------sh_loop.cmd start--------------------
## Test Condor command file
universe = vanilla
executable = sh_loop
output = sh_loop.out
error = sh_loop.err
log = sh_loop.log
arguments = 60
should_transfer_files = IF_NEEDED
when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT
----------sh_loop.cmd end-------------------------
The job was finished successfully.
I then submit a command to condor through globus as
shown below:
>globusrun-ws -submit -F localhost:8443 -Ft Condor -c
Submitting job...Done.
Job ID: uuid:29b3aa9a-2d47-11db-894a-00123fc74262
Termination time: 08/17/2006 16:49 GMT
Current job state: Pending
The job was pending for a long time. I then checked
the job status with condor_q command.
-- Submitter:
2.0 pingluo 8/16 11:48 0+00:00:00 I 0 9.8 ls
The job stayed in such a status forever.
I have another linux box which runs x86 suse10.1. I
installed the same software (for this platform of
corse) I ran the same command and it finished very
quickly, as shown below.
>globusrun-ws -submit -F localhost:9443 -Ft Condor -c
Submitting job...Done.
Job ID: uuid:29b3aa9a-2d47-11db-894a-00123fc74262
Termination time: 08/17/2006 16:49 GMT
Current job state: Pending
Current job state: Active
Current job state: CleanUp
Current job state: Done
Destroying job...Done.
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