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Re: [Condor-users] Vanilla troubleshooting on Windows

Thanks Erik for responding, here's the additional info

When the vanilla job runs it will always run.  It is other jobs of the
exact same type (just different input file - *.cdf) which run, (I can
watch them execute on the execute machine) but give back a 0 byte result

Submit file looks like:
executable = command.cmd
universe = vanilla
output = output.log
log = xmass.log
should_transfer_files = YES
when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT
transfer_input_files = msvcp60.dll, netcdf.dll, pooled_serum_3.cdf
Command.cmd file looks like:
XMass "netCDF" 0 0 1 5 6.0 60.0 0.05 "pooled_serum_3.CDF"
Code Snippet from Shadowlog on submit machine (Note setenvironment
failure - these also show up on execute machines)
8/2 10:27:39 Using config source: D:\condor\condor_config
8/2 10:27:39 Using local config sources: 
8/2 10:27:39    D:\condor/condor_config.local
8/2 10:27:39 SetEnvironmentVariable failed, errno=203
8/2 10:27:39 DaemonCore: Command Socket at <>
8/2 10:27:39 Initializing a VANILLA shadow for job 195.0
8/2 10:27:39 (195.0) (724): Request to run on <> was
8/2 10:31:46 (195.0) (724): Job 195.0 terminated: killed by signal
8/2 10:31:46 (195.0) (724): **** condor_shadow (condor_SHADOW) EXITING
This is a snippet from the Collector log on the submit machine:
8/2 10:38:06 (Sending 12 ads in response to query)
8/2 10:38:06 DaemonCore: PERMISSION DENIED to unknown user from host
<> for command 10 (QUERY_STARTD_PVT_ADS)
8/2 10:38:06 DaemonCore: PERMISSION DENIED to unknown user from host
<> for command 49 (UPDATE_NEGOTIATOR_AD)
8/2 10:40:08 (Sending 12 ads in response to query)
8/2 10:40:08 DaemonCore: PERMISSION DENIED to unknown user from host
<> for command 10 (QUERY_STARTD_PVT_ADS)
8/2 10:40:08 DaemonCore: PERMISSION DENIED to unknown user from host
<> for command 49 (UPDATE_NEGOTIATOR_AD)
8/2 10:40:59 NegotiatorAd  : Inserting ** "< condor01 >"
8/2 10:42:35 (Sending 12 ads in response to query)
8/2 10:42:35 Got QUERY_STARTD_PVT_ADS
8/2 10:42:35 (Sending 4 ads in response to query)
Thank you for your assistance!

-----Original Message-----
From: condor-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:condor-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Erik Paulson
Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2006 5:22 PM
To: Condor-Users Mail List
Subject: Re: [Condor-users] Vanilla troubleshooting on Windows

On Tue, Aug 01, 2006 at 05:14:02PM -0400, Jewell, H Aaron wrote:
> All,
> I'm new to condor & have installed it on several windows 2000
> I've been able to run the examples successfully & even some vanilla 
> jobs.  Other vanilla jobs run, but don't provide the output back to 
> the submit node.

Does the same job run some times and not others, or are the jobs
different? Can you post the submit files you're using to create them?

> In the job log I see an entry like:
> Abnormal Termination (signal -1073741819) No core file
> On the execute nodes, I have entries such as below in log files:
> setenvironmentvariable failed, errno=203

This is too small of a snippet for us to make any sense out of. 
Could you give more of it?

> my_popen: createprocess failed
> failed to execute D:\condor\bin\condor_starter.std.exe, ignoring

This is normal and harmless. 

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