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[Condor-users] Condor days in Europe next June.
- Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2006 17:11:08 +0200
- From: Francesco Prelz <Francesco.Prelz@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [Condor-users] Condor days in Europe next June.
Dear Condor Users,
Condor Week is getting closer, and we'd like to remind all people
who won't be able to travel to friendly Madison that, as proposed
last November, we are on track with organising a get-together for
Condor users and friends in Milano, on June 26-29.
We set up a tentative information/registration page, at
We welcome Condor Users who can volunteer to join an
informal organising committee for this event and help in picking
the right topics to make this interesting and useful.
So far we, the undersigned, are acting locally, while John Kewley
(from CCLRC, UK) and Igor Sfiligoi (CDF) volunteered to help thinking
We plan to host the "usual" tutorials, for which we have a
room with 30 PCs available.
The agenda is empty and so far we just identified some broad themes for
the various days.
If you'd like to give a talk about your experience, feel free to submit
a proposal to talks-condor-eu@xxxxxxxxxxx If you saw a talk in the
Madison Condor Week agenda that you regretted not being able to attend,
just tell us, and we may be able to get an update on that for you in Milan.
We'd also love to hear about your favourite topics, where you believe
discussion could be lively.
We are not foreseeing a registration fee, in order to keep access as open
as we can. This means that we'll have to keep on the frugal side of
food/refreshments, and we won't be able to provide assistance for
accommodation beyond the list of hotels provided on the web page.
Milan is not a very touristic city, therefore the end of June is not a busy
time for hotels. Any hotel reasonably close to a Metro station will serve
you well.
Thanks for your attention. We do look forward to meeting you in sunny summer
Milano and wish you a very Buona Pasqua (/Pesach).
Paolo Mazzanti
Francesco Prelz
Franco Semeria