-----Original Message-----Hi,
From: condor-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:condor-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Junaid N. Sahibzada
Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2006 7:08 AM
To: Condor-Users Mail List
Subject: [Condor-users] Jobs will not run in another pool
I flocked a job to another pool using the following cmd file
executable = HADAMeanFilter
universe = vanilla
Requirements = HOSTNAME != caudate-nh.nsw.cmis.csiro.au
should_transfer_files = YES
when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT
transfer_input_files = ResampledProstate7.out.nostripes.raw,HADAPatient007_DBR_256x349x348_CAutHomgnty.data.plot, HADAPatient007_DBR_256x349x348_CAutHomgnty
notification = COMPLETE
notify_user = Oscar.AcostaTamayo@xxxxxxxx
output = output.HADAMeanFilterI.vanilla.dynamic
error = error.HADAMeanFilterI.vanilla.dynamic
log = log.HADAMeanFilterI.vanilla.dynamic
arguments = -n ResampledProstate7.out.nostripes.raw -x 256 -y 349 -z 348 -r 0 -s 8 -L 64 -q 0 -t 255 -K 2 -u 3 -v 3 -w 3 -o HADAPatient007_DBR_256x3
49x348_CAutHomgnty -m 2 -X 20 -c 5 -A 1 -T 0.125 -E 0.0001 -I 0 -H 1 -Z 0
my job is stuck in the queue and is not executing although there is a load full of resources available.
you can check that over here http://condorview.csiro.au/
the reason i have placed the requirement is because i wanted to check flocking.
so i have said that run on any machine except caudate-nh( which is the only machine in my pool right now. i have turned off the rest of them).
any problems?
Junaid N. SahibzadaCell # (+61) 404 998 494International Student MSc Internetworking, UTS, AustraliaBachelor of Information Technology, NUST, Pakistan
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