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[Condor-users] How to view computed rank?
- Date: Thu, 13 Oct 2005 17:11:39 -0700
- From: "Finch, Ralph" <rfinch@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [Condor-users] How to view computed rank?
Sorry for the flurry of questions, but here's another...
I want to generate a rank based on user at the console (negative),
relative kflops in the pool (positive), and if the machine is the user's
login machine (positive--use your own machine first!)
So here are my entries in condor_config:
# DWR additions here #
# Machine must have enough disk space in KB for tidefile
START = TotalDisk > 5000000
# set up ranking:
# higher preference to submitter's machine
SelfMachine = Owner == MachineOwner
# performance relative to pool, normalized to roughly 0 to 1
RelKFlops = (KFlops - 600000.) / 200000.
# Current Virtual Machine load
VMLoad = 1. - LoadAvg
# redefine keyboard busy to be past 90 minutes
KeyboardBusy = (KeyboardIdle < 90 * $(MINUTE))
# Don't want to use both VMs if keyboard is busy; don't use 2nd VM
MachineBusy = -10. * (KeyboardBusy && VirtualMachineID == 2)
# Overall ranking
RANK = SelfMachine + RelKFlops + VMLoad + MachineBusy
Then in the .sub file I have:
Rank = RANK
Question: How can I view the computed rank that each machine is
offering to the jobs? I want to see how the actual selection is made;
all I can tell from condor_q -run are which machines ended up selected.