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Réf. : Re: [Condor-users] Condor statistics
Thanks for your answer.
Just one more question : Where can I find the CondorView client contrib
module package ?
I've read the chapter 3.4 and there is no link to download it to make the
install and I have found nothing in other sections.
Erik Paulson
<epaulson@xxxxxxxxxxx Pour : Condor-Users Mail List <condor-users@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> cc :
Envoyé par : Objet : Re: [Condor-users] Condor statistics
23/05/2005 17:59
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Condor-Users Mail
On Mon, May 23, 2005 at 03:57:11PM +0200, Franck.Marois@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Hello everybody,
> I want to install a Condor Statistics for our Condor pool and I would
> to know if there is a special package to install or if I have to use the
> normal package and configure it to make stats for for my pool.
> However, with the usual package (6.6.5), I didn't have any "export"
> directory or "make_stats" file that are normally supposed to be ued for
> stats...
You need the CondorView client contrib module:
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