We run 2k3 here on our cluster. I know there was access control list changes. Unfortunately I didn't do the install on the 2k3 boxes, only our XP ones. I'll get the info from the one who did.
-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Hope [mailto:matthew.hope@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: July 15, 2005 6:03 AM
To: Condor-Users Mail List
Subject: Re: [Condor-users] Condor on Windows 2003 Server
On 7/15/05, Alain Roy <roy@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >Has anyone had any luck using Condor on Windows 2003 Server with/without
> >sp1 as a central manager?
> I know that people have done it.
And I can vouch for that
> > I tried, but it didn't work. It was my first attempt at using condor,
> > so maybe it was user error? J
> >BTW, my Win2k3 machine is also a DC.
> What do you mean by DC?
Domain Controller - should make no difference
> What do you mean by "didn't work"? It's hard to debug the problem without
> seeing more information.
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