I am getting an error that we can't quite figure out.
Here it is:
007 (108.000.000) 02/14 11:15:09 Shadow exception!
Error from starter on cr-031.envision.purdue.edu: Failed to execute '/var/condor/execute/dir_9837/condor_exec.exe condor_exec.exe -rd . -s 12.0000 -e 12.0000 -b 1.0000 condorTest.mb': Exec format error
0 - Run Bytes Sent By Job
65698 - Run Bytes Received By Job
I am submitting from a Windows machine to a linux machine. The render node is a linux box.
I have been messing with my job file and I can't figure it out. Here is my job file (keep in mind that I have been changing it over and over trying the smallest things.
####JOB DESC####
Universe = vanilla
Executable = lRender
environment = MAYA_LOCATION=/usr/aw/maya|HOME=/tmp
output = cr.out
log = cr.log
error = cr.err
notification = Never
##requirements = (OpSys == "WINNT51") && (Machine == "hood.ics.purdue.edu") || (Machine == "stew102mon1.ics.purdue.edu")
requirements = (OpSys == "LINUX")
## NEEDS TO BE USER ROOT DIR ON HOLD (Linux machines may have trouble with the path)
##initialdir = \\dollar.ics.purdue.edu\render_output
initialdir = C:\condorJob\render_output\
transfer_input_files = source_files/condorTest.mb
Arguments = -rd . -s 12.0000 -e 12.0000 -b 1.0000 condorTest.mb
Arguments =-rd . -s 16.0000 -e 16.0000 -b 1.0000 condorTest.mb
Arguments =-rd . -s 17.0000 -e 17.0000 -b 1.0000 condorTest.mb
Arguments =-rd . -s 18.0000 -e 18.0000 -b 1.0000 condorTest.mb
Arguments =-rd . -s 19.0000 -e 19.0000 -b 1.0000 condorTest.mb
Arguments = -rd . -s 20.0000 -e 20.0000 -b 1.0000 condorTest.mb
Arguments = -rd . -s 21.0000 -e 21.0000 -b 1.0000 condorTest.mb
Arguments = -rd . -s 22.0000 -e 22.0000 -b 1.0000 condorTest.mb
####BATCH FILE####
I put everything in my batch file from: Render, mayabatch -render, ./Render...
I'm not sure if that is correct.
Thanks again for any help,