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[Condor-users] Looking for good Condor talks
- Date: Mon, 07 Feb 2005 16:14:06 -0600
- From: Alain Roy <roy@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [Condor-users] Looking for good Condor talks
We are finalizing the agenda for the upcoming Condor/Paradyn Week. We're
excited, because we think we'll have some great talks to share with the
people that come.
The preliminary agenda will be posted soon.
We *may* have a few open slots for some short talks. We really enjoy talks
from people doing interesting things with Condor. If you use Condor in an
interesting way, and you would be interested in attending Condor Week and
giving a 20-30 minute talk, please email me privately and let me know.
We can't promise that we'll get anyone on the agenda because it is filling
up quickly. But do let us know if you are interested.