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RE: [Condor-users] new classads backport to condor
- Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2005 17:28:14 -0700
- From: "Michael Yoder" <yoderm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: RE: [Condor-users] new classads backport to condor
> >I heard a whisper that the functionality of the new classads, such as
> >lists, regexp and ...?...:..=.. , have been backported to the condor
> >release. I don`t see anything in the 6.7.10 doc though.
> It depends on what you mean by backported. :)
> I think that Optena has a version of Condor that uses new ClassAds
> everywhere, but I am not very familiar with what they have done.
That's right, we do. We have chosen to replace old ClassAds with new
ClassAds in two phases. The first phase was to yank out old ClassAds,
put in new ClassAds, and implement a wrapper layer around the new
ClassAds so that the interface *looks* like old ClassAds. This way we
didn't have to re-write every daemon immediately. :-) A side effect is
that you still can't use any new ClassAd features. This has been done
and tested.
The second phase is to start re-writing daemons to use the actual new
ClassAd interfaces (and also new ClassAd features). This will be a
bigger project, and has not yet begun.
Mike Yoder
Principal Member of Technical Staff
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Optena Corporation
2860 Zanker Road, Suite 201
San Jose, CA 95134