No, that would just limit which files get transferred back into the spool directory.-- JaimeOn Aug 18, 2005, at 1:11 PM, Bruno Miguel Tavares Goncalves wrote:Would Transfer_Output_Files for the outputs to be transfered back (without running condor_transfer_data)?On 8/18/05, Jaime Frey < jfrey@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:On Aug 18, 2005, at 12:13 PM, Bruno Miguel Tavares Goncalves wrote:Using a submit file like this one:
Executable = 1D.x
Universe = Vanilla
Output = results/1D/1D.out.$(CLUSTER).$(PROCESS)
Error = results/1D/1D.err.$(CLUSTER).$(PROCESS)
Log = results/1D/1D.log.$(CLUSTER)
Nice_User = True
Transfer_Input_files =$(PROCESS)
Queue 10
and with a shared file system, will the input files be tranfered to the spool directory? And if so, when? At queue time? or at run time? The manual ( ) isn't very clear on this aspect.
Should I be able to submit a cluster of jobs, modify the input files, resubmit another cluster, etc... and have each cluster have a different version of the input files? Is this the way to do it? Or should I just create several copies of the input files and have each cluster read a different set of files?If you use the -r or -s command-line arguments to condor_submit, then the files will be copied into the spool directory. Otherwise, they will not and Condor will use the original copies when the job runs. With -r and -s, the output files are also stored in the spool directory. To retrieve them after the job completes, you need to run condor_transfer_data.+----------------------------------+---------------------------------+| Jaime Frey | Public Split on Whether || jfrey@xxxxxxxxxxx | Bush Is a Divider || | -- CNN Scrolling Banner |+----------------------------------+---------------------------------+
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Bruno Miguel Tavares Goncalves, MS
PhD Candiate
Emory University
Department of Physics
Office No. N117-C
400 Dowman Drive
Atlanta, Georgia 30322
Email: bgoncalves@xxxxxxxxx
Phone: (404) 712-2441
Fax: (404) 727-0873
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