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Re: [Condor-users] about Condor on Modelnet
- Date: Sun, 3 Apr 2005 20:39:03 -0700 (PDT)
- From: Yuhong Feng <april_continue@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [Condor-users] about Condor on Modelnet
Dear Alain,
Thanks for your reply and suggestion.
First, Modelnet
( is an
emulation environment for wide-area systems. Briefly,
modelnet deploys a generated model WAN network (using
tools such as inet) overlay over original LAN: add
delay, add more route? and emulate the delay and loss
rate and so on for a package sent over WAN.
To make modelnet work, environment must be set (the
is provided by modelnet ), so that the ld program will
use the wrapper functions instead those functions
which is defined in To make the
work properly, there are some other environment
variable should be defined. This mechanism is worked
for globus and other network service.
By starting request via modelnet virtual run,
1> I can telnet to the gatekeeper and have it connect
By setting some environments specific to Modelnet
before starting globus-gatekeeper,
2> I can submit jobs to the gatekeeper without
Condor-G remotely.
3> no firewalls in and between me and the gatekeepers.
In addition, Jvm 1.4.1 can not work with modelnet,
because JVM 1.4.1 uses the JVM_socket lib instead of
standard, but blackdown jvm 1.3.1 works well
with modelnet.
Currently, I set the LD_PRELOAD in condor.boot script,
But it does not work. I wonder where I can set this
variable so that I can make the condor-g network
portation use instead of
Your valued time and suggestion are highly
Best regards,
--- Alain Roy <roy@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >Have you have any experience on using Condor-G over
> >modelnet?
> I haven't heard of modelnet before your email, but
> here are some things to try:
> >020 (027.000.000) 04/01 10:42:19 Detected Down
> Globus
> >Resource
> > RM-Contact:
> 1) Can you telnet to the gatekeeper and have it
> connect?
> 2) Can you submit jobs to the gatekeeper without
> Condor-G?
> 3) Are there firewalls in between you and the
> gatekeeper? Condor-G contacts
> the jobmanager on a port (different than the
> gatekeeper) in order to
> monitor the job. So a port range needs to be open.
> -alain
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