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RE: [Condor-users] Alpha Linux?
- Date: Sun, 21 Nov 2004 21:17:44 -0000
- From: "Alan Christy Arokiam" <alanca@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: RE: [Condor-users] Alpha Linux?
We still have a 32 CPU system with 32GB of RAM with Red Hat Linux (6.2 I
think). Anyway the kernel version is 2.2.19-1.1qsw ( This is a specially
modified kernel by Quadrics Supercomputing World) and I believe it has GCC
stack smashing protection and kernel patches incoporated to make it more
secure and stable. As far as I can say it is very stable as it has been up
for 390 days @ 100% CPU load.
Alan Arokiam,
The Materials Modelling Group,
Materials Science and Engineering,
Department of Engineering,
The University of Liverpool,
Brownlow Hill,
L69 3GH
Tel: 44-(0)151-794-4671