I've just run into a major problem. We're running this version of condor:
$CondorVersion: 6.6.7 Oct 11 2004 $ $CondorPlatform: I386-LINUX_RH9 $
My job failed and produced a rescue dag. When I try to submit the rescue dag [...] I get the following message:
Can't open command file DONE for reading: No such file or directory
11/13 17:07:19 ******************************************************
11/13 17:07:19 ** condor_scheduniv_exec.599.0 (CONDOR_DAGMAN) STARTING UP
11/13 17:07:19 ** $CondorVersion: 6.7.0 Apr 27 2004 $
11/13 17:07:19 ** $CondorPlatform: I386-LINUX-RH9 $
-- Peter Couvares University of Wisconsin-Madison Condor Project Research Department of Computer Sciences pfc@xxxxxxxxxxx 1210 W. Dayton St. Rm #4241 (608) 265-8936 Madison, WI 53706-1685