Re: [HTCondor-devel] possible bug in HTCondor 9.0.7

Date: Mon, 6 Dec 2021 22:41:18 +0000
From: Jaime Frey <jfrey@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [HTCondor-devel] possible bug in HTCondor 9.0.7
I have confirmed this change in behavior in 9.0 (vs 8.8). Iâm investigating why itâs happening, and expect weâll restore the old behavior in an upcoming release.

 - Jaime

On Dec 1, 2021, at 1:57 PM, Carmelo Pellegrino via HTCondor-devel <htcondor-devel@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Dear HTCondor developers,

I'm writing to you because I've found something that may be a bug.

Recently I realised that if, in the submit file, the value assigned to the log command is a path, either relative or absolute, rather than just a filename and the job is submitted with the -spool condor_submit flag, the log file - and just it - is not put into the specified path but rather in the Submit_IWD folder.

I've tested this both in the production cluster I'm an admin of and in a htcondor/mini:9.0.7-el7 docker container.

Here is my submit file:

 $ cat submit.sub
executable            =
output                = logs/stdout.txt
error                 = logs/stderr.txt
log                   = logs/output.log
should_transfer_files = Yes
queue 1

the script being:

 $ cat

echo "this goes to stdout"
echo "this goes to stderr" >&2

sleep 10

Here is how I submit it in the htcondor/mini container:

 $ condor_submit -spool submit.sub
Submitting job(s).
1 job(s) submitted to cluster 3.

After the job is completed, I run:

 $ condor_transfer_data 3
Fetching data files...

and this is the situation in the submit folder:

 $ tree
âââ logs
â   âââ stderr.txt
â   âââ stdout.txt
âââ output.log
âââ submit.sub

Unexpectedly, the "output.log" file is not in the logs/ subfolder. This was not the behaviour in HTCondor 8.8.

As stated above, the version of HTCondor is 9.0.7, running on CentOS 7.9:

 $ condor_version
$CondorVersion: 9.0.7 Nov 02 2021 BuildID: 562053 PackageID: 9.0.7-1 $
$CondorPlatform: x86_64_CentOS7 $

$ cat /etc/redhat-release
CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core)

Please find in attachment the output of the "condor_q -l 3" command.

I hope this is somehow useful, and apologise if not and if this is not the correct mailing list.

Best regards,


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