Re: [HTCondor-devel] 8.9.8 master getting into an infinite loop on startup

Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2020 15:17:47 -0500
From: MÃtyÃs Selmeci <matyas@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [HTCondor-devel] 8.9.8 master getting into an infinite loop on startup
Things seem to be working fine.  Tools sometimes take a while to run
(a condor_q sometimes took 6 seconds despite this being a minicondor)
but that's probably a separate issue (or at least varying the limits
didn't help with that).


On 7/21/20 2:56 PM, Tim Theisen wrote:
> Mat,
> Please try with the values from the Linux Kernel Tuning script and let
> me know how it goes:
> LimitNOFILE=32768
> TasksMax=4194303
> ...Tim
> On 7/21/20 2:35 PM, Todd L Miller wrote:
>>> Be careful with that -- I was seeing slow startup times and general
>>> lack of responsiveness at 8 million. 2 million seems fine.
>> ÂÂÂÂSee #7594, I'm pretty sure.
>> - ToddM
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