[HTCondor-devel] SOAP Job Submission

Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2018 23:00:01 +0000
From: "Murphy-Olson, Daniel E." <d@xxxxxxx>
Subject: [HTCondor-devel] SOAP Job Submission

I'm trying to use the SOAP interface to submit jobs and are getting the following error:
Job id xx.0 has no Owner attribute.  Removing….

Our java submitter is similar to the example posted here - https://spinningmatt.wordpress.com/condorsubmitdag-java/

There is an Owner attribute I'm providing through the SOAP call, I assumed this is a username, however maybe this is an incorrect assumption. 

Is there a reason the Owner attribute we're providing would be discarded?  
Is the Owner job error above due to a job not having an associated user/owner, or is it a scheduler failure because there was no slot to become the owner of the job?

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  • [HTCondor-devel] SOAP Job Submission, Murphy-Olson, Daniel E. <=