Re: [HTCondor-devel] Which HTCondor series in Fedora?

Date: Mon, 16 May 2016 19:31:27 -0500
From: William Benton <willb@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [HTCondor-devel] Which HTCondor series in Fedora?
Ben, thanks for your thoughtful treatment of this issue. I totallyÂagree that option 2 is preferableÂ(although I alsoÂbet we wouldn't have to look very hard to find at least a few Fedora packages that tracked non-stableÂbranchesÂof their upstreams).

I don't have a great sense for how much people are exercising the development branch of HTCondorÂbecause it's available in a downstream package, but I see 14 bugs against the Fedora condorÂpackage in the last year, most of which seem to be particular to the package:

So packaging theÂstable streamÂmight not have a ton of downside.


On Monday, May 16, 2016, Ben Cotton <ben.cotton@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
TL;DR: Updating the development series in Fedora is a violation of the
packaging guidelines. What should we do about it? I have a suggestion:

I'd be happy to talk about this during HTCondor Week gatherings or via
e-mail. The document above is editable, so feel free to add comments
as well.


Ben Cotton

Cycle Computing
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