[HTCondor-devel] questions on dynamic provisioning on workflow

Date: Thu, 9 Apr 2015 11:27:57 -0400
From: Bing X <xiebingbing@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [HTCondor-devel] questions on dynamic provisioning on workflow
I'm working on condor-8.2.3. and I configured condor_config.local as dynamic provisioning mode since jobs require much more memory at certain stage than other stages.

My question is: how condor determine the resource allocation? where can I find the policy? I assume it should be under condor_startd.V6, but get no clue on this...

another question is I want to change my condor pool size at run time, how can I prepare the resources for the ready-to-run jobs within a workflow? seems condor_startd evaluate and allocate the resources for a task AFTER the job is fired.. any suggestion if I want to get this info after the task submission and before its fired?

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